Best Crackers for Cheese: Perfect Pairings for Your Cheese Board

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The best crackers for cheese are essential to creating a delightful cheese board that will impress your guests. This article is perfect for both cheese enthusiasts and those looking to elevate their charcuterie game. But which crackers go well with cheese? The best crackers for cheese are those that complement the flavors and textures of the cheeses without overpowering them.

best crackers for cheese

Why Pairing Crackers with Cheese Matters

Choosing the right crackers for your cheese board is a fundamental step in creating a balanced and enjoyable tasting experience. The texture, flavor, and even the shape of the cracker can enhance or detract from the cheese it accompanies. Let’s dive into the elements that make a cracker ideal for cheese pairings.

Types of Crackers for Cheese Boards

Classic Water Crackers

Water crackers are a timeless choice for cheese boards. Their mild flavor and crisp texture make them a versatile option that pairs well with a variety of cheeses.

Whole Grain Crackers

Whole grain crackers add a nutty complexity to your cheese board. They are particularly well-suited for aged cheeses, offering a hearty contrast to the creamy texture.

Gourmet Cheese Crackers

For a more luxurious experience, gourmet cheese crackers infused with herbs, spices, or even cheese themselves can elevate your cheese tasting to a new level.

How to Create the Perfect Cheese and Cracker Combinations

Soft Cheeses

Soft cheeses like Brie or Camembert pair beautifully with water crackers or lightly salted gourmet crackers, allowing the delicate flavors of the cheese to shine.

Hard Cheeses

Hard cheeses such as Cheddar or Gouda benefit from the robust texture of whole grain crackers, providing a satisfying crunch that complements the cheese’s firmness.

Blue Cheeses

Blue cheeses, with their strong and bold flavors, pair best with slightly sweet crackers like oat or honey crackers to balance the intensity.

Recipe for an Ideal Cheese Board

Creating a cheese board that is both visually appealing and delicious requires careful selection of cheeses and crackers. Here, we’ll guide you through the process.

Recipe Details

Yields Prep Time Cook Time Total Time Calories per Serving
1 cheese board 20 minutes 0 minutes 20 minutes 200 kcal


  • 1 pack of water crackers
  • 1 pack of whole grain crackers
  • 1 pack of gourmet cheese crackers
  • 1 wedge of Brie cheese
  • 1 wedge of aged Cheddar cheese
  • 1 wedge of Blue cheese
  • Fresh fruits (grapes, figs, or apples)
  • Nuts (almonds or walnuts)
  • Honey or fig jam for drizzling
  • Fresh herbs for garnish


Step 1: Arrange the Crackers

On a large cheese board or platter, start by placing your selection of crackers in small piles or rows. This will create a foundation for the rest of your ingredients.

Step 2: Place the Cheeses

Arrange the wedges of cheese on the board, leaving enough space around each piece for easy cutting and serving. Consider placing softer cheeses like Brie towards the center to keep them from spreading too much.

Step 3: Add Fresh Fruits and Nuts

Scatter fresh fruits and nuts around the board, filling in the gaps between the cheeses and crackers. This not only adds flavor but also enhances the visual appeal of your cheese board.

Step 4: Drizzle with Honey or Fig Jam

For an extra touch of sweetness, drizzle honey or fig jam over the blue cheese or on the side as a dipping option. This adds a delightful contrast to the savory elements.

Step 5: Garnish and Serve

Finish off your cheese board with fresh herbs for a pop of color and added aroma. Serve immediately, and enjoy the perfect cheese and cracker combinations with your guests.

Nutrition Facts

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 200 kcal
Carbohydrates 20 g
Protein 8 g
Fat 10 g
Saturated Fat 6 g
Sodium 300 mg
Sugar 5 g
Fiber 3 g

Watch the video above to discover more about the best crackers for cheese in 2022!

Tips and Variations

Creating a cheese board allows for creativity and personalization. Here are some tips and variations to consider:

  • Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of crackers and cheeses to find your favorite combinations.
  • Seasonal Fruits: Incorporate seasonal fruits for a fresh and vibrant touch.
  • Spicy Twist: Add a few spicy crackers for a unique flavor contrast.
  • Cheese Swaps: If you can’t find a specific cheese, feel free to substitute with similar types, like swapping Gouda for Edam.

best crackers for cheese

Kitchen Equipment Needed

  • Large cheese board or platter
  • Cheese knives
  • Small bowls or dishes for honey and jam
  • Serving tongs

How to Store Leftovers

If you have any leftovers, store the crackers in an airtight container to keep them fresh. Wrap the cheeses individually in wax paper and place them in the refrigerator. Fresh fruits should be stored separately in a sealed container.

Food and Drink Pairings

Pair your cheese board with a selection of wines, such as a crisp Chardonnay for soft cheeses or a robust Merlot for aged Cheddar. For non-alcoholic options, sparkling water with a slice of lemon or a fruity iced tea makes a refreshing accompaniment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which crackers go well with cheese?

A: The best crackers for cheese are those with mild flavors and crisp textures, such as water crackers, whole grain crackers, and gourmet cheese crackers. These options enhance the cheese without overpowering its flavor.

Q: What crackers do you use for charcuterie?

A: For charcuterie boards, a mix of water crackers, whole grain crackers, and herb-infused gourmet crackers offers a variety of textures and flavors that pair well with both cheeses and cured meats.

Q: What are the healthy crackers for cheese platter?

A: Healthy options include whole grain crackers, seed crackers, and low-sodium water crackers. These crackers provide a nutritious base without added sugars or excessive salt.

Q: What is a good substitute for cheese crackers?

A: If you’re looking for a substitute for cheese-flavored crackers, consider using plain crackers or rice cakes topped with a small slice of your favorite cheese. You can also try vegetable sticks like celery or cucumber for a crunchy alternative.

Creating the perfect cheese board is not only about selecting the best cheeses but also about choosing the best crackers for cheese. With the right pairings, your cheese board will be the star of any gathering. If you enjoyed this article, please share it and subscribe to our blog for more delicious recipes and tips!

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